Ethereum Multi-chain Network SKALE Earmarks $100M To Fuel Blockchain Gaming

The Network of Decentralized Economics (NODE) will kick-start the program with $5 million to creators focused on blockchain gaming, play-to-earn gaming and the metaverse


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key takeaways

  • The ecosystem program will launch in tandem with SKALE V2, or SKALEverse
  • The network aims to onboard billions of users and has a focus on NFTs, DeFi and Web3

Ethereum-focused multi-chain network SKALE set up a $100 million grant program to fund the future of blockchain-based gaming.

The company announced the initiative at the ETHDenver conference on Friday. The capital will be used to increase and onboard applications and projects to the SKALE network. 

SKALE Co-founder Jack O’Holleran

The Network of Decentralized Economics (NODE) will kick-start the program with $5 million to creators focused on blockchain gaming, play-to-earn gaming and the metaverse.

The launch is timed in tandem with the network’s next iteration, dubbed, SKALE V2, or SKALEverse, which aims to optimize features like chain-to-chain transfers, creating ecosystem hubs, NFT marketplaces and faster game modes.

Like most blockchains, the network aims to onboard billions of users and has a focus on NFTs (non-fungible tokens), DeFi and Web3.

Its network helps blockchain games build experiences for users, including zero fees or gasless transactions, plus supporting interconnected and interactive blockchains, SKALE Co-founder Jack O’Holleran said in a statement.

This launch is the latest step for the blockchain gaming space writ large, which has expanded over the past 12 months and is drawing increasing attention from big-time investors and funds.

Earlier this month, Gamestop and Immutable launched a $100 million joint fund for gaming NFTs. In November, Forte added $725 million in funding earmarked for blockchain games in one of the largest funding rounds of the year.

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